Fouad Souki, MD , University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital
Sher-Lu Pai, MD, FASA, SAMBA-F, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida
Dora Syin, MD, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida

With nearly 400 meeting attendees, exhibitors, and guests, the 2023 Florida Society of Anesthesiologists (FSA) Annual Meeting at The Breakers Palm Beach was a complete success. This year’s Annual Meeting had the theme, “Eclectic Diversity.” The Program Committee, led by Luis Rodriguez, MD and Steven Porter, MD, created an exceptional offering of lectures, workshops, panel discussions, and symposia. Here are only a few photos to recap the spirit of the meeting as it is impossible to fit all the great sessions in just a few pages!
Founded on the sand of Palm Beach in 1896, The Breakers resort is full of history, luxury, and seaside glamour. Our FSA has been building its history of Annual Meetings at this elegant resort for almost 20 years.
Photo 1: Michael C. Lewis, MD discussed Geriatric Anesthesiology. As the age of the US population continues to rise, most of the anesthesiologists may unknowingly be geriatric anesthesiologists already. It is important to know the age-related physiologic changes and the unique response of the aged population to anesthesia and surgery.
Photo 2: A panel presented by Dora Syin, MD, and Anna Shapiro, MD addressed perioperative considerations for long COVID, a condition affecting an increasing number of surgical patients as well as the healthcare workforce. Dr. Syin reviewed the multisystem manifestations of long COVID, their clinical impact in the perioperative period, and recommendations for monitoring and management. Dr. Shapiro presented data on the economic, workforce, and workflow effects of long COVID and discussed potential future implications for perioperative care.
Photo 3: A panel by Lawrence Caruso, MD, Fouad Souki, MD, and J. Ross Renew, MD, FASA, FASE discussed the latest updates on neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBs) and guidelines published by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). Dr. Souki brought awareness to the incidence, definition, and complications associated with residual NMB, evidence-based monitoring and antagonism techniques based on the ASA guidelines. Dr. Renew addressed the caveats related to acceleromyography (AMG) monitoring, including normalization and overestimation issues, and introduced the latest monitoring modalities, such as 3D AMG and electromyography.
Dr. Caruso presented strategies to effectively overcome challenges in implementing the new ASA guidelines. The panel emphasized the importance of the RECITE, POPULAR, and STRONG studies, underscoring the significance of careful dosing of neuromuscular blocking agents, preventing residual blockade, and appropriate antagonism.
They also highlighted current data suggesting that a higher train-of-four threshold (0.95-0.99) might be necessary to reduce postoperative pulmonary complications and enhance the recovery of hypoxic ventilatory response. The panel’s comprehensive review of the latest guidelines and studies pertaining to neuromuscular blockade provided valuable insights to the attendees.
Photo 4: Sponsored by the FSA Professional Diversity Committee and moderated by the Committee Chair, Rosemarie Garcia-Getting, MD, “Blink! Recognizing When Our Intuitive Judgements Misguide Us” session by Joni Maga, MD, FASA revealed differences amongst concepts of diversity, inclusion, and equity. Possible solutions for implicit bias and microaggressions with a close examination of how they undermine diversity efforts.
Photo 5: Led by Asha Padmanabhan, MD, Women of the FSA continued to hold its luncheon at the Annual Meeting, building a supportive network for its members.
Photo 6: The ASA President, Michael Champeau, MD gave us an update on ASA member-focused initiatives, 2023 advocacy focus areas, and ASAPAC.
Photo 7: The famous REsidency Jeopardy hosted by Albert J. Varon, MD, MHPE, FCCM, FASA continued. The competition was fierce. This year’s winner was the HCA Florida Westside Hospital. Congratulations to the winning team!